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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Poems by Ian Croft

Oceans                          .............           2
Nell                               .............           3
The hollow places         .............           4
Whale-girl                     .............           5
Cry for the lost years     .............           6
The moth                       .............           7
Dreams                          .............           8


I remember the people
who have wept tears of pain.

The beating of waves
on the oceans of sadness,
- sweeping over the world
- waves of tears washing on the shores of consciousness

why did it start?
how can it end?

Hands reach out ...

Hope dies, they draw back ......  resigned ......  defeated

The wind sings its sad song of pain.
The trees bow their branches to join the wind
in its cry of anguish.
The hills stand .....  silent  ........ watching  ........
brooding over the oceans of sadness.

Like that grain of sand
which though warmed by the sun
presses the other sand beneath....
so we
turn our face to the sun
and forget
that past of pain
those voices crying
those hands that reach

How can it end?
when did it start?

Before time,
sadness brooded.

After time .........
echoes of  pain will whisper.

© Ian Croft May 1995


tree    .........  wind .........

be thou my protector, oh my lord

Things small when seen small
grow smaller when big
things big when seen small
grow bigger as I grow big

fears that were small then.... but  so big to me
have grown bigger than me ..... now that I am big

places that hid me then
won’t hide me now
the fear has grown so big
it is inside the place I hide

be thou my protector, oh my lord

tree ...........wind  .........

Our horizons are so vast
we can see from the past to the unborn yet to come
yet we hide ourselves within invisible walls
shelter from the fear .... the fear that grows faster than we
so that our wall is never high enough

Quick ...
build another wall!
Don’t let anyone touch me ...
or see the person that is me.

© Ian Croft July 1995

The hollow places

The hollow places of my heart
cry out to you.

Dreams of what could have been ...
yet will never be.

Endless awareness of decisions gone wrong ....
they can’t be undone.

What rules this lonely place?

Or is it unruly ... and unruled?

Who can know what path to tread
before the step is taken?

Yet how can the path be trod
without the step be taken?

Foolish mind,  ever leading with emotion ...
ever looking through feeling-tinted eyes.

© Ian Croft Sept 96

The Whale-girl

Wings spread
beautiful shape
glides into vision

Humbled by size and majesty
watch in awe
reach out....           reach out.......

Touch me
see me
do you know me?
do you share my wonder?

If we could speak .....
                 If we could speak .....

Spirit free she soars
as the whale glides
From ocean floor to sky above
all is hers

The whale is one with the ocean
yet breathes the air above
so she is one with the world I know
yet her spirit breathes
an air that I know is there
yet can never partake


While mankind struggled and fought
his bitter hatreds poisoned the air
Yet the whales lived out their long lives
at peace with each other
At one with their world, they did not quarrel.
Through the centuries they lived in harmony
while man struggled and fought.
The whales watched the rise and fall of countless kingdoms .....
yet almost .. almost they faded from the face of our world

© Ian Croft June 95

Cry for the lost years

All time is three
and three is one
Past present and future
are with me always as one
but ever present as three
The past is our wisdom and experience
that guides us through the present and
leads us into the future
The mem’ries of the past have shaped
my past and have shaped my present
and will shape the time still to come
Part of the past is always present

but unwanted
It was not welcome or sought -
the space that it takes in my mind
was hacked .... and torn .....
stolen from my then present
to be the ever present thief of my future.

When present in the past the thieves stole the unborn future
Now they slowly creep through my mind
and mindlessly they steal again ...
my present time ripped blindly from my open hand

Damn you! ...  Damn you .....
You unthinking vandals of my life
have taken the present which might have been
and with callous cruelty you keep on stealing my present
and scrawl your obscene graffiti
onto the pages of my future
I cannot rewrite the pages which are wrote
I cannot reclaim a past which never happened
but I can accept the pain and learn .....
.... welcome the pain and build its bittersweet taste
into my present -
and use the lessons so painfully learned
to shape my future as I choose.

So cry for the lost years
Weep for them and grieve
but when the end is seen of all the tears ....
..... then welcome the time now
and welcome the time to come
© Ian Croft Jan ‘97

The Moth

Darkness in the cocoon
safety, warmth
living an existence of ordered regularity
shielded from the world outside
the cocoon is a wall of safety
within which the grub slowly grows
and then emerges

Safety stripped away
the walls are gone
and the moth takes flight
it glories in the freedom of knowing
that it is a creature of the light
of the air
and it soars and swoops
the moth feels the heights to which it can fly
and sees the breadth of perception

But the wind blows
and the moth feels the chill of the hostile air
Buffeted it remembers the warmth of the cocoon
and seeks that warmth anew.

Then it feels warmth
and turns toward the source
The warmth grows
and the moth knows that the cocoon
could never give a warmth like this.

Like a magnet the warmth attracts
and the moth draws ever closer
till the warmth becomes a consuming heat
and the moth finds that final rest.

© Ian Croft Dec 96


The thought that you don’t share my dreams
is the only thought that keeps me sane...

The thought that we might both have dreamed the same dream
yet never spoken of it ....  that would drag my thoughts to madness.

 The solitary wanderer paces inside his fortress walls
listening to his own words
thinking his thoughts ...
thoughts of what others are thinking

Searching for any opening in the wall ....
seeking to find any hole
to block the opening

Yet hoping that someone will find their way in ...
some one with a gentle touch
some one with gentle understanding.

Those outside the walls
Don’t even know the wall is there.
The wall they see
they think is me
Yet I know the me that I feel
the me that is real

©  Ian Croft 4 June 1995