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Sunday, December 1, 2019


I gather the discards from other lives
.... sweet little gifts that fall
from the Gumtree around me

Things that you don't need.... 
I can turn those unwanted items
into treasure..... built into the project

We each have freebies that we can't touch
.... an endless supply of the feelings and moments
........ and the funny thing is that when I give
them to you, sometimes I find that
we share them.... you want them
and when you hold them, I find that
I'm holding you! 

So take these freebies that I offer you
.... and if you find that this freebie
is something you cherish... 
then hold me and share the freebie. 

The restaurant of magic

House in a valley
People bring their soul and share
a moment of their lives
Snapshots of eternity
each one a piece in a kaleidescopic jigsaw
The food is a distillation of the thoughts
and experiences of each diner
.... perfect for the moment
and an inspiration for the future
The conductor is at the same moment
a composer, an inspiration, a writer, a muse
The music of this place is a symphony
of infinity..... the patrons are the orchestra

... and each one will be touched
at the core of their being.