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Thursday, February 7, 2019


[about the fight between lovers]

I'm sitting in my trench... and you're in yours
I'm sitting deep in the mud of my hurts and pain
.... my thoughts drag me down so I feel insane
I'm not game to poke my head above this hole
You might shoot me if I did ....

So in fear I close my eyes
and blindly fire my missiles across the gap
between the trenches ... twixt you and I ....
My bullets fly .... fly without aim
I must shoot ... but I don't know why.

We fire our guns and the bullets fly
..... and the noise is all round
The violence tears my soul apart
You hurt me and I hurt you
The pain of what I do to you
I know how I tear you too

I don't know if your trench is full of mud....
I wish I could look
to see if what I feel is what you feel.
Why don't I stop ... and think?
Stop.... and feel what you feel?
Why can't I wear your shoes for just a while
and hear your heart voice as it speaks?

We both want to hear
We both want to see
Why can't we stop the fight
.... stop the noise and violence

Lets have a truce
A moment of peace in the midst of the noise
so we can see each other
Wipe off the mud and look at each other
I want to hear your heart
You want to hear mine
Lets just stop ...... and listen.

© Ian Croft February 2019

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