[A way to help]
What do you see when your friend
says they are depressed?
Do you see the mask they wear?
... the mask they put on in the morning
that let's them get out the door?
.... the mask they hide behind
to muffle the crying pain
of each step they take?
Do you see that it is a mask?
... a protective layer of falsehood
designed to allow the friend to suffer
in solitude? ... and when they say
that they are really OK....
What do you say?
When your friend is that far down ....
there's not a lot you can do or say ....
Just ..... don't leave them.
Don't leave them alone ....
Find some reason to just be there with them
The loneliness of depression is an aching void
that echoes with the sounds of past pain and hurt
The void is a sad place where your friend must walk alone
but if he knows that you are walking beside him ....
though no words are spoken
the chains might be broken ....
Maybe not in a moment
... but slowly, gently your friend will realise that
they can rest awhile .... they can relax in knowing
that you are there.
Be there for them.
© Ian Croft February 2019
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